Hauts de Seine Tourisme

Hauts-de-Seine Tourisme


Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Meudon

Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de la ville de Meudon - Maison d'Armande Béjart
11 rue des Pierres
92190 MEUDON

Museum of Art and History The museum is housed in the former home of Ambroise Paré, and later of Armande Béjart who purchased it in 1676 three years after the death of her husband Molière and lived there until her death in 1700. Paintings, engravings and models remind visitors of the key markers in the town’s history: the royal estate and the Château de Bellevue, industries and crafts, famous residents including Rodin, Bourdelle, Arp and others. In addition the museum is home to abstract paintings and sculptures of the second half of the XXth century (works by César, Stahly, Dietrich Mohr, Lardeur, Le Moal, Kijno, etc). A resource centre on the history of the town is open for research by prior booking. The exhibits are complemented by a one hectare park with monumental sculptures, a pleasant place for walks. Nearby, the Château’s terrace and the Observatory are well worth a visit.



web https:

email contact.musee@mairie-meudon.fr

tel tel : 01 46 23 87 13

Getting there RER : Ligne C, arrêt Meudon Val Fleury
Bus : Lignes 169, 389, TIM, arrêt Eglise de Meudon
Railway station : Ligne N, arrêt Meudon
Bus : Lignes 162, 169, 289, arrêt Meudon-Val Fleury



Groups catered for Groups catered for : minimum 10, maximum 20

Spoken languages Spoken languages : Français, Anglais

Facilities Facilities : Salle d'exposition

Services Services : Boutique, Centre de documentation

Activities Activities : Expositions temporaires, Manifestations culturelles, Activités pédagogiques, Conférences


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Where Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Meudon : autres lieux à proximité