Hauts de Seine Tourisme

Hauts-de-Seine Tourisme

Curiosities : detail

Cimetière des chiens

Le Cimetière des chiens
4 pont de Clichy

Pet Cemetery This unique cemetery, which opened in late summer 1899, buried its 40,000th pet in 1958. Since then, thanks to large-scalerestoration work, it has continued to receive the remains of dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, tortoises, mice, hamsters, fish, horses and even lions, monkeys, gazelles, desert foxes and makis, whose graves, whether richly sculpted or with a simple bunch of flowers, bear witness to the affection in which they were held by their masters and mistresses. There are not only ordinary nameless pets but also star-animals and the animals of stars: Rin Tin Tin, the hero of the television series, police dogs killed while on duty, a Saint-Bernard which saved the lives of 40 people, regimental mascots, and the companions of Saint-Saëns, Courteline, Sacha Guitry and others, including princes and dukes.



Ratess Gratuit
Pour les moins de 6 ans.
Tarif de base - Adulte Plein tarif : 3.5 €
Tarif enfant : 1.5 €
de 6 à 12 ans. Gratuit pour les -6 ans

web decouvrir.asnieres-sur-seine.fr

Getting there Metro : Ligne 13, arrêt Gabriel Péri
Bus : Lignes 54, 140, 175, 177, 535, arrêt Place Voltaire
Railway station : Lignes L, J, arrêt Asnières-sur-Seine




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Where Cimetière des chiens : autres lieux à proximité