Hauts de Seine Tourisme

Hauts-de-Seine Tourisme

Museums and collections : detail

Musée des années 30

Musée des Années 30
Espace Landowski 28 avenue André Morizet

Thirties Museum Boulogne-Billancourt boasts an exceptionally rich artistic and industrial heritage from the inter-war years of the XXth century. It was here that the architectural language of our times was first created, painters’ and sculptors’ studios were established, and the motor, aviation and cinema industries fashioned the image of a town of the modern age. This museum of the Thirties sets out to hold up a mirror to those times, with its presentations of the neo-classical art of the period and also of the avant-garde, including reminders of the time spent in Boulogne by Kahnweiler, the celebrated buyer of cubist and surrealist art. Some 800 paintings, 1,500 sculptures, drawings, furniture, posters, models and other items are featured in this original presentation of exhibits



Ratess Tarif réduit : 4.5 €
Tarif de base - Adulte Plein tarif : 6.5 €
Le 1er dimanche de chaque mois.

web https:

tel tel : 01 55 18 46 42

Getting there Metro : Ligne 10 arrêt Boulogne - Jean Jaurès
Metro : Ligne 9 arrêt Marcel Sembat
Bus : Lignes 126, 175, arrêt Hôtel de Ville de Boulogne-Billancourt
Bus : SUBB Boucle Nord, arrêt Hôtel de Ville



Groups catered for Groups catered for : minimum 10, maximum 22

Facilities Facilities : Parking payant, Salle d'exposition-vente

Services Services : Locations d'espace, Vestiaire gratuit, Site accessible avec poussette, Audio-guides

Activities Activities : Ateliers, Activités pédagogiques, Conférences, Expositions temporaires, Animation thématique spécifique


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