Musée Roybet Fould
Musée Roybet Fould 178 boulevard Saint-Denis Parc de Bécon 92400 COURBEVOIE
Roybet Fould Museum
The museum opened in 1951 and is housed in the red pine pavilion built by Sweden and Norway for the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878. Its exhibits offer an insight into the development of French artistic life in the second half of the XXth century. The collections are principally works by Consuelo Fould and Ferdinand Roybet, together with sculptures and paintings by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, drawings by Alexandre Séon, and paintings by Adolphe La Lyre, Ary Scheffer, Léon Canniccioni, Auguste Durst and Albert Gleizes. A collection of toys, and displays relating to local history (mementoes of the return of Napoleon’s ashes, posters, post cards etc) round off the exhibits.
| Groups catered for : maximum 20
| Spoken languages : Anglais
| Services : Boutique
| Activities : Activités pédagogiques, Atelier pour adultes, Atelier pour enfants, Expositions temporaires, Manifestations culturelles
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